Hello and welcome! I am an artist, teacher, curator, technologist and a bunch of other stuff I can’t readily remember right now. I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia and live mostly in Lexington, Kentucky. The site is a way to catalog some of the art projects I’ve put together over the years. A lot of the work, daresay some of the best work, was done in collaboration with other artists. I like the possibilities of various kinds of dialogs and seek them out when I can. If you want to read a more of a formal, third-person type bio, just click on the link below the image of a guy, me, waving hi to you.
These days I spend most of my time on Infinite Industries, a project that I decided to spin up after years and years of thinking, and overthinking, about how to create more of a robust audience for experimental contemporary culture. I am super lucky to have found a dedicated crew of folks who share this vision and we are working together on a new and better code base for cultural goodness. As soon as the repo is a little bit more under control, I will post the link here.